Saturday 14 February 2015

Civil war in CD-25 1159 Empire vs Federation.

Monday 29 December 2014

Bounty hunting & don't shoot the feds. This is Elite:dangerous

This video should teach you two things.

1. resource extraction sites (or in fact any where on a planetary ring which has resource extraction sites) will yield better, higher bounties, more consistently than a nav beacon.

2. Hit one fed with a stray bullet or laser beam and all the feds in the area want to kill you for that tiny bounty. No chance to explain it was unintentional, or to ask what they expect when they fly right across your guns. Your solution is to re enter super-cruise and come back immediately or like me go and pay off the bounty. I like to keep clean.

Friday 26 December 2014

Elite: Dangerous, bounty hunting with a bit of human assistance.

Bounty hunting and a few other fellow cmdr's (human players) come and attack the same target as me. I don't know if they wanted to help or just wanted the bounty for themselves, it made the job a lot more interesting. And much easier, so thanks!

Tutorial: How to take of and land in Elite: dangerous

A guide to taking off and landing your space ship in the game Elite: dangerous.